Corkus in berserk Anime and Manga: Everything you need to know

Corkus in Berserk

Corkus in Berserk

Corkus, a character in the highly acclaimed manga series Berserk, appears as an aggressive and competitive ex-thief who eventually joins the Band of the Hawk. Considering his unstable personality, Corkus is devoted to Griffith, seeing him as the key to his own success and power worldwide.

However, he has hatred and respect for Guts, another important member of the group. Corkus’ story takes a tragic turn during the Eclipse, a dark event in the series, when he becomes one of the sacrifices, adding a layer of complication to the Band of the Falcon’s history and highlighting the harsh realities faced by the characters in the Berserk universe.

Who is Corkus ?

Corkus, a complex character in the Berserk series, has a personality marked by fundamental hatred and jealousy. He is devoted to Griffith, the Band of the Falcon’s leader, but his devotion is tainted by his hatred for Guts, a fellow member of the group. Corkus’ disdain for Guts stems from Guts’ perceived self-centeredness, which leads to one-sided hostility. 

Despite his aggressive nature, Corkus frequently appears critical and world-weary, masking his idealistic past and sense of loss. He struggles with feelings of weakness and failure, seeking validation through the glory and riches he gains in the Band of the Falcon. His character represents the complex interactions of ambition, dissatisfaction and weakness, adding depth to Berserk’s narrative.

Corkus berserk

Did Corkus Hates Guts?

In the Berserk series, Corkus had a deep hatred for Guts, especially when Guts decided to leave the Band of the Falcon. Corkus despised Guts because he perceived him to be self-centered, acting as if he alone bore the burdens and pains of life. Corkus’ hatred of Guts was an important part of his character, reflecting the complicated relationships within the Band of the Hawk.

How Corkus died in Bersek?

Corkus loses his life during the Eclipse, a terrifying incident in the Berserk series in which he and other members of the Band of the Falcon are sacrificed. He is brutally murdered as part of the ritual, becoming one of the sacrifices in this dark and devastating event. Corkus’ death during the Eclipse serves as a grim reminder of the brutal and merciless world portrayed in Berserk, in which characters face unimaginable horrors and frequently meet horrible ends.